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AF Aware Week

We held our first international week, 24-30 November 2013, dedicated to raising awareness and promoting better understanding of AF.

AF Aware Week’s aims are simple:

Detect – Raising awareness of pulse checks/ECG screening for detection of AF.

Protect – Educating people on the importance of anticoagulation for protection from AF-related stroke and therapies to reduce or stop debilitating symptoms.

How AF aware are you?

Take the AF Challenge today to test your knowledge of the diagnosis and treatment of AF.

You can still get involved

Patients and carers

- Complete our AF Patient Experience Survey
- Share your story – we are on the lookout for inspirational AF patient stories

Healthcare professionals

 - Share the AF Revalidation Tool with your network to dispel the aspirin myth in prevention of stroke
- Sign up to the Heart of AF and access the latest resources and tools on AF
- Register your details to the Heart Rhythm Specialists directory

Key messages 

1. One in four people will develop AF, a common heart rhythm disorder
2. Every 15 seconds someone suffers an AF-related stroke. AF is the most powerful single risk factor for suffering a deadly or debilitating stroke
3. AF can be detected cheaply and easily with simple manual pulse checks
4. Treatment with an anticoagulant is vital to reduce the risk of stroke
5. For AF Aware Week, make the detection and protection of AF a priority