Sort this mess out, Alex tells Government on Armed Forces’ Pay

Stockton North MP, Alex Cunningham, has called on the Government to give Armed Forces personnel – and other frontline services – a decent standard of pay.

Speaking at Defence Questions on Monday, Alex raised the issue of delays to the Armed Forces’ pay award with the Secretary of State for Defence, Penny Mordaunt, adding that the delay was on top of the “value of their pay plummeting in recent years” due to the public sector pay freeze.

Alex said

Our Armed Forces, and everyone who works in frontline services, makes a great contribution to our country. They risk their lives day-in and day-out, and they deserve a proper pay rise.

When is the Government going to recognise that the people on the frontline can do without money worries alongside the stresses of their job, and get this mess sorted?

In response to Alex’s question the Defence Secretary merely replied that the Armed Forces Pay Review was about to report back to the Commons.