Alex supports ‘Show Racism the Red Card’

Alex Cunningham MP joined ex-professional footballers, representatives from the Professional Footballers Association and members of the Show Racism the Red Card campaign to give his support to the charity’s bid to become The Football Association’s Charity of the Year for 2011.


Show Racism the Red Card is an anti-racist charity, established in January 1996 with the aim of harnessing the potential of professional footballers as anti-racist role models and combating racism through anti-racist education. The campaign involves hundreds of top footballers and managers and carries it’s work out throughout the UK delivering anti-racism workshops, football fun fitness sessions and hosting educational events at football clubs.

 The MP for Stockton North joined with supporters such as the Professional Footballers’ Association Chief Executive, Gordon Taylor, Gary Lineker and ex-England Manager, Graham Taylorto support the charity’s bid to be the FA’s Charity of the year. Later this year the FA will decide which charity will become their official charity partner for 2011.  All charities go through a stringent process to become official FA partners and as well as a five figure financial donation from The FA’s Community Shield Fund, all charities will benefit from a direct association with the FA. 

This sign-up event follows on from the Early Day Motion raised in parliament by Dave Anderson MP in August which received significant support.  Former Shadow Foreign Secretary David Miliband MP said, “The vision of a Britain in which every citizen whatever their race, religion, colour or creed gets equal treatment, goes to the heart of who I am.  I’m the first person in my family to be born in this country and I know we’ve made fantastic progress, in large part thanks to the campaigning of such organisations as Show Racism the Red Card.”

Show Racism the Red Card Chief Executive, Ged Grebby thanked MP’s for their support and said: “2011 will be the 15th anniversary year for our organisation and to get FA Charity of the Year would be a real boost for our campaign’s work.  We have been overwhelmed with messages of support from within football but also from across a whole range of organisations and individuals within the UK.”